
A list of talks which I have given:

  • Deformation theory and smoothness - Stacks reading group
  • Kempf-Ness - Geometric Invariant Theory Reading Group
  • Blowing up and the rational elliptic surface $E(1)$ - AGQ examples showcase
  • Hopf fibration - Archimedeans student talks
  • Symplectic reduction - Part III Seminar
  • Morse theory - Part III Seminar
  • Hyperkähler structures on nilpotent $\mathrm{SL}(n, \mathbb{C})$ orbits - Cambridge Summer research festival
  • Gröbner bases - Student seminar
  • The topology of negatively curved manifolds - Student seminar
  • On generalised hardness of approximation in optimisation and data science - Cambridge Summer research festival